- The diplomatic-consular offices abroad are peripheral branches of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which ensures the transparency of its data through the “transparent administration” section of the website www.esteri.it. The sections of this page refer mostly to the corresponding sections of the central administration website. For more details visit the website of the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC)
- Disposizioni generali
- Organizzazione
- Articolazione degli uffici (art. 13, c. 1, lett. b, c)
- Telefono e posta elettronica (art. 13, c. 1, lett. d)
- Consulenti e collaboratori (art. 15, c. 1, 2)
- 2020: The Embassy has not given any consultancy and/or collaboration
- 2021: The Embassy has not given any consultancy and/or collaboration
- 2022: The Embassy has not given any consultancy and/or collaboration
- 2023: The Embassy has not given any consultancy and/or collaboration
- 2024: The Embassy has not yet awarded consultancy and/or collaboration
- Personale
- Bandi di concorso (art. 19)
- Performance
- Enti controllati
- Attività e procedimenti
- Provvedimenti
- Controlli sulle imprese
- Bandi di gara e contratti (ex art. 37)
- Sovvenzioni, contributi, sussidi, vantaggi economici (ex art. 26 e 27)
- Bilanci
- Bilancio trasparente
- Beni immobili e gestione patrimonio
- Controlli e rilievi sull’amministrazione
- Servizi erogati
- Pagamenti dell’amministrazione
- Opere pubbliche
- Pianificazione e governo del territorio
- Informazioni ambientali
- Interventi straordinari di emergenza
- Altri contenuti
The data contained in this section are updated as of 14 August 2024