Embassy of Italy in Panama | |
PH Plaza 58, 6 pianoCalle 58 Este with Ricardo Arango, Obarrio, Panama City
Apartado Postal 0816 Tel: +507 225 8948/49/50 |
Certified Consular E-mail:
amb.panama@cert.esteri.it |
Switchboard – Consular Chancellery and visas | |||||
For call information on Consular Services: call the number +507 225 8948/49/50 at the following times: — Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 14:00-16:00 – Tuesday/ Thursday: 10:00 – 12:00
consolare.panama@esteri.it ONLY FOR CONSULAR MATTERS |
panama.visti@esteri.it ONLY FOR VISA PURPOSES |
Segreteriat Office | panama.segreteriacm@esteri.it |
Commercial and Cultural Office
Dr. Andrea De Melis |
comm.ambpanama@esteri.it |
Administrative Office – Accountant
Dr. Adele Comello |
panama.contabile@esteri.it |
Office of the economic and financial expert | |
Passport Office | panama.passaporti@esteri.it |
Telephone for emergencies during closing hours:: |
+507) 6942 7852. The telephone number, EXCLUSIVELY for emergencies, is active from Monday to Friday from 15.30 to 22.00, Saturday and Sunday from 08.00 to 22.00 and the Official Shift of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (24/7) Tel. +39-0636912666It is pointed out that emergency numbers should be used exclusively for the management of exceptional emergency situations that require immediate and non deferrable interventions by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to protect Italian citizens abroad. These numbers should not be used for general requests for information on administrative practices. |
WARNING: Booking consular appointments
Holidays observed by the Embassy year 2025 |
01 january | New year’s day |
04 march | Carnival of Panama |
18 april | Good Friday |
21 april | Easter monday |
01 may | Labor day |
02 june | Italian National Day |
15 august | Recruitment – Panama Foundation |
03 november | Independence Day of Panama |
08 december | Solemnity of the Immaculate |
25 december | Christmas |
26 december | Boxing day |