Telephone for emergencies during closing hours:
+507 6942 7852. The telephone number, EXCLUSIVELY for emergencies, is active from Monday to Friday from 15.30 to 22.00, Saturday and Sunday from 08.00 to 22.00 and the Official Shift of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (24/7) Tel. +39-0636912666It is pointed out that emergency numbers should be used exclusively for the management of exceptional emergency situations that require immediate and non deferrable interventions by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to protect Italian citizens abroad. These numbers should not be used for general requests for information on administrative practices.
The Italian Embassy in Panama does not use external collaborators or agencies and does not recommend to contact intermediaries or “tramitadores” for the processing of consular documents, Remaining available to the user for direct communication with those who need assistance.
The Embassy provides its services free of charge, except for the payment of consular fees as provided by national law. Payments are made in cash only, directly at the consular post office, on the basis of the rates published in the table of consular fees. Each payment is accompanied by a receipt or proof of payment.
The Embassy website contains all the information necessary for the various consular and citizenship practices. In case of further doubts, you can contact the Embassy by mail at the following addresses:
- Consular matters (registration, citizenship, notarial, etc.):
- Renewal/issuing of passports:;
- Visas:
Finally, please note that, except for notarial services and the issuance of entry visas in Italy, the Consular Office receives only and exclusively by appointment, to be requested through the portal “Prenot@mi“.