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It is a declaration that the interested party draws up and subscribes in his own interest on states, facts and personal qualities and that he uses in the relations with the P.A. and with the operators of public services. In dealing with a private entity, the use of self-certification is left to the discretion of the latter.
On 1 January 2012 came into force the new provisions on certificates and replacement declarations, pursuant to art. 15 of the law 12 November 2011 n. 183. From that date the certificates will therefore be valid only in relations between private individuals, while the Public Administrations will no longer be able to request or accept certificates, which must always be replaced by self-certification.
The rules on self-certification apply to Italian and European Union citizens, as well as to non-EU citizens legally residing in Italy limited to data verifiable or certifiable in Italy by public entities.
The substitute declarations referred to in art. 46 and 47 of D.P.R. n. 445/2000 can be signed in the presence of the employee or can be submitted or sent already signed provided that they are attached a photostatic unauthenticated copy of an identity document of the subscriber.
Where the authorities have doubts as to the veracity of the self-certifications, they are required to carry out the necessary checks.
If false statements are found, the falsehood in the acts and the use of false acts are punished under the penal code and special laws on the subject (art. 76 DPR 445/2000). In addition, the registrant shall forfeit any benefits that may be obtained through measures based on untruthful statements.

a) Alternative declaration of certification (Art. 46 DPR 445/2000)
The following conditions may be demonstrated by declaration:

  • date and place of birth;
  • residence; citizenship;
  • enjoyment of civil and political rights;
  • unmarried, married, widowed or free;
  • family status; existence in life;
  • birth of the child, death of the spouse, ascendant or descendant;
  • registration in registers, in lists kept by public administrations;
  • membership of professional associations; qualification, examinations taken;
  • professional qualification held, qualification, qualification, training, updating and technical qualification;
  • income or economic situation also for the purpose of granting benefits of any kind provided for by special laws;
  • fulfilment of specific contribution obligations with an indication of the amount paid;
  • possession and number of the tax code, the VAT number and any data in the tax registry;
  • state of unemployment;
  • retirement status and pension category;
  • quality of student;
  • the status of legal representative of natural or legal persons, guardian, curator and the like;
  • registration with associations or social training of any kind;
  • all situations relating to the fulfilment of military obligations, including those attested in the master sheet of the duty status;
  • not to have been convicted of criminal offences and not to be the addressee of measures concerning the application of preventive measures, civil decisions and administrative measures entered in the register of convictions pursuant to current legislation;
  • they are not aware that they are subject to criminal proceedings;
  • quality of living at the expense;
  • all data directly known to the data subject contained in the registers of civil status;
  • not being in liquidation or bankruptcy and not having applied for an arrangement.

No stamp duty shall be payable by the citizen when the use of the act is exempted by law from it.
Requests and declarations to be submitted to the Public Administration can also be sent by fax and electronically.

Interested parties may use the alternative declaration of recognition for all the personal circumstances, facts and qualities of which they are aware.
This declaration may also cover circumstances relating to other persons of which the declarant has direct knowledge, as well as compliance with the original of copies of documents or records held or issued by a public administration, copies of publications, copies of educational or service qualifications, or copies of tax documents that must be kept by private individuals.

The possibility to use self-certification is never allowed for certificates:

  • doctors;
  • sanitary;
  • veterinarians;
  • of origin;
  • of EC conformity;
  • trademarks or patents.