The models listed below shall be used in case of self-certification. If sent by post they must be accompanied by a photocopy of a valid ID.
Forms to be used for visa applications
Schengen visa application form in the language:
National visa application form in the language:
- Spanish
- Italian
- English
- Lettera d’invito per visto di turismo
- Lettera d’invito per visto di studio
- Lettera d’invito per visto d’affari
Application form for Italian citizenship
Passport application forms
- Consent issued passport to minor by non-EU parents NOT regularly staying in Italy
- Act assent passport issue to minor by Italian European parents
- Replacement declaration of certification
Forms for ETD (Emergency travel document)
Forms for civil status
- Form by transcript birth certificate
- Form by transcript deed of marriage
- Form by transcription of divorce judgment
- Form by transcript of death certificate
- Form transcrip ‘A.I.R.E.
- Declaration of change of address / transfer / return
- Form of notary delegation
Sundry modules
- FAC-SIMILE of Self-declaration
- Form for self-declaration
- Form for request of certificates
- Application for a tax identification number
- Application for renewal of driving licence
- Model Medical Certificate for Driving Licence Validation
- Regulations for registration/ variation A.I.R.E. for non-resident minors with both parents
Tax obligations
Click on the following link for information on tax obligations for Italians living abroad:
For more information on tax obligations in Italy for residents abroad, both Italian and foreign, see Agenzia per le Entrate.