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Passports and identity cards

Italian citizens residing in the Countries of secondary accreditation are advised to travel to Panama to use the consular services provided by this Embassy of Italy, which, according to local legislation, To enter Panama, the foreign passport must be valid for three months beyond the duration of the intended trip.

The Embassy issues a second-generation electronic passport using the most modern technologies, which offer higher standards of security, where the fingerprints of the person concerned (from 12 years). The obligation to include fingerprints in passports was laid down in European legislation, in particular by Regulation (EC) No. 2252 of 2004 (as amended by Regulation (EC) No 444/2009), which set it in motion on 29 June 2009. The obligation to include fingerprints in passports has been established. The issuance of the electronic passport with fingerprints and the digitized signature requires the physical presence of the compatriot at the Consulate.

The passport is a travel document and an identification document issued by:

  • In Italy by the Questure;
  • Abroad by the diplomatic and consular representations.

Requirements for issuing passports and documents to be presented for adults and minors:

  • For citizens not registered with the A.I.R.E., the Embassy must compulsorily request the Nulla Osta / Delega to the competent Authority (Italian Police Headquarters or Consulate of current residence). In this case the passport will be issued only after obtaining the Authorization/ Delegation. In such cases, release times may be longer.
  • Please note that the Italian citizen concerned in applying for a passport must be enrolled in the A.I.R.E. (Italian Registry Office Abroad) of the Italian Embassy in Panama. Registration must be confirmed by receiving the email from the Embassy. The passport will be handed over after 2 weeks from the moment of submission of the actual application,
  • For the issue of the first passport it is essential to present a copy of a valid identification document.
  • You can request the renewal of your passport from 6 months before the expiry of the same,
  • If descendant of Italians, the passport can be required only after recognition of Italian citizenship (see citizenship).

Where can I get my passport?

  • presenting the Italian citizen at the Embassy of Italy in Panama by appointment online for “passport” through the portal Prenot@mi  NOTE: Please note that every adult must request a personal appointment and no bookings will be accepted on behalf of other people, even if they belong to the same household, For minors, appointments must be requested directly by the parents.
  • IMPORTANT: before requesting the consular appointment, applicants are requested to verify their personal position through FAST IT. If the applicant has changed his address of residence IT IS NECESSARY to UPDATE

The time of validity of the passport differs according to the age of the holder:

  • For children under 3 years the validity is 3 years;
  • For children aged 3 to 18 the validity is 5 years;
  • Valid for 10 years for adults.

Passport requirements for citizens over 18

Passport requirements for citizens under 18

Useful websites

Farnesina: Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico

Farnesina: Viaggiare Sicuri

Farnesina: Dove siamo nel mondo

Polizia di Stato: Passaporto

Polizia di Stato: Passaporto per animali da compagnia

Stati Uniti: Richiesta ESTA