The tax code is the instrument of fiscal identification of the Italian or foreign citizen in relations with Italian institutions and public administrations and is issued by the Revenue Agency.
It can be requested abroad, both by Italians registered AIRE in this consular district (proceed to the request on the Fast It portal) and by foreigners residing in Panama, through the consular office (follow the procedure described below). However, if the fulfilment or procedure with the Italian PA necessarily requires the entry and presence in Italy of a non-Community foreign national, you can inform interested parties that the assignment of the C.F. will be completed by the Sportello Unico dell’Immigrazione or by the Questura at the time of application for a residence permit (as evidenced in the Mini guide tax code for foreigners, published by the Tax Agency in 18 languages The Agency – Mini guide tax code for foreigners – Agenzia delle Entrate ( The allocation of the tax code is immediate and takes place through a special telematic link with the Fisconline service of the Revenue Agency. If required, the card will be sent to you later.
To apply for the Fiscal Code you must submit the application form, together with the copy of the valid passport.
The application form must be sent with a copy of a valid document by e-mail to writing in the e-mail the reason for the request and sending the supporting documentation. The tax code will be sent digitally to the same e-mail address from which the request was sent.
NOTE: Foreign nationals who apply for the tax code for study purposes will have to replace the “motivation letter” for the copy of the Schengen visa issued by this consular registry.