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Re-entry visa

For general information on this type of VISA, please visit the following Italian government website:

What is it used for and who can use it?

Re-entry visas may be applied for by foreign nationals already legally residing in Italy who are temporarily in Panama or in one of the accreditation states with a “Permit of Stay” under one of the following conditions:

  1. Permit of Stay expired not more than 60 days ago and for which the holder has applied to the Italian authorities for renewal within the legal terms;
  2. “Residence Permit” expired not more than 60 days ago and for which the holder has NOT applied for renewal within the legal time limit. The 60-day period is extended to 6 months in case of proven serious personal health reasons or those of a close relative (parents, spouse, children).
  3. Valid, but stolen or lost.

Note: The issuance of a visa is subject to authorization by the competent Italian Questura.

The visa can be applied for three months prior to the date of commencement of travel and up toa 1 month prior to the date of travel.

Type of visa: “D” visa for long-term stays longer than 90 days.


  1. National visa application form duly completed in all fields and signed.
  2. Two photographs (3,5 cm x 4 cm), white background in color (identical and recent), one of which must be pasted to the form in the corresponding box.
  3. Valid passport (valid for at least 3 months beyond the duration of the visa) with at least two free pages and a plain copy of the passport (only the page of the passport containing the holder’s personal information).
  4. Payment of consular fees in cash (payable on the day of the appointment, see Consular Fees Table)
  5. ID card – for foreigners cédula de extranjería or carne de residencia, valid (in both cases only an enlarged, legible copy).
  6. Depending on the case it is necessary to bring:
    • In the first case: plain copy of the “Permit of Stay” even if it expires not more than 60 days and a copy of the renewal application submitted to the Questura, including a copy of the payment made to Poste Italiane (legible photocopy).
    • In the second case: plain copy of the “Residence Permit” even if it expires not more than 60 days and a recent certificate of migration movements issued by the Migration Office of the country of residence. In case of serious personal health reasons or that of a close relative, the legalized and apostilled medical certificate must also be submitted, along with the birth certificate by which the relationship to the sick relative can be verified.
    • In the third case: a completed and signed form reporting the theft or loss of the “Residence Permit,” a photocopy of the “Residence Permit,” if available, and a recent certificate of migratory movements issued by the Migration Office of the country of residence.
  1. Booking of round-trip flight with final destination Italy. NOTE: Air reservations must be made directly by the airline or a travel agency in the country of residence or directly in Italy (reservations made online are not accepted). The air reservation must be in the name of the applicant(s).


  • The procedure is strictly personal. The Embassy has not authorized any agency or intermediary to apply for the visa.
  • The turnaround time of the visa depends on the response time of the Italian Questura in charge of issuing the relevant nulla osta (“Nulla Osta”) required for granting the visa.
  • Failure to submit any of the above documents may result in the rejection of the visa application at the The Embassy of Italy reserves the right to request such additional documentation as it deems necessary through the document called the “Rejection Notice,” which may be issued a few days after reviewing the visa application.
  • Since the visa is a concession, even if all the required documents are submitted, it can be granted or In the latter case, a “Denial Order” will be issued.