For general information on this type of VISA, please visit the following Italian government website:
What it is for and who can apply for it:
Serves for family reunification between the foreign national (legally residing in Italy) and the parent(s) (legally residing in Panama or one of the accreditation states) economically dependent on the inviting party.
For family reunification between Italians/Europeans and foreigners, see respective instructions.
The procedure begins in Italy, where the foreign national, legally residing in Italy, submits the application for family reunification to the “Prefettura” (S.U.I. Office). Once the Prefecture has issued the nulla osta (“Nulla Osta”), the parents can apply for a visa.
The visa can be applied for three months before the date of travel and up to 1 month before the date of travel.
Type of visa: “D” Long-stay visa, for stays longer than 90 days up to 365 days.
- National visa application form duly completed in all fields and signed.
- Two photographs (3,5 cm x 4 cm), white background in color (identical and recent), one of which must be pasted to the form in the corresponding box.
- Valid passport (valid for at least 3 months beyond the duration of the visa) with at least two free pages and a plain copy of the passport (only the page of the passport containing the holder’s personal information).
- Payment of consular fees in cash (pay on the day of the appointment, see Consular Fees Table)
- ID card – for foreigners cédula de extranjería or carne de residencia, valid (in both cases only an enlarged, legible copy).
- Original and copy of the “Nulla Osta” issued by the Prefecture – S.U.I. (Single Desk for Immigration).
- Birth certificate of the invitee residing in Italy – must be submitted in original and copy together with the apostille issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country of origin accompanied by the Italian translation of the certificate and apostille of the translator’s signature.
- Copy of residence permit from the inviter.
- Proof of economic dependence of the applicant to family reunification through demonstrable and relevant (based on local cost of living), continuous, steady and prolonged currency/bank transfers for a minimum period of two Such documentation must be submitted in original.
- Booking a one-way flight with final destination Italy on behalf of the parent. NOTE: Airline reservations must be made directly by the airline or a travel agency in the country of residence or directly in Italy (reservations made online are not accepted).
- If the parents are over 65 years old and have other children, it must be proven that the latter are unable to care for the parents due to duly documented serious health reasons.
- For parents under age 65, economic dependence can be demonstrated if the parents have no other children in the country of origin or precedence.
- The procedure is strictly personal. The Embassy has not authorized any agency or intermediary to apply for the visa.
- Please note that the Visa Office cannot receive the visa application until the Embassy receives the Nulla Osta transmitted by the U.I. Office (Prefecture in Italy).
- Please note that the “Nulla Osta” is valid for 6 months (from the date of issuance of the S.U.I.) and must be used before it expires.
- Failure to submit any of the above documents may result in the rejection of the visa application at the The Embassy of Italy reserves the right to request such additional documentation as it deems necessary through the document called “Pre-notice of Rejection,” which may be issued a few days after reviewing the visa application.
- Since the visa is a concession, even if all the required documents are submitted, it can be granted or In the latter case, a “Denial Order” will be issued.
- If the visa is granted, the holder, upon arrival in Italy, must apply for a Permesso di Soggiorno from the relevant Italian authorities within the first eight working days.